Today I choose joy
Some days it’s sooo dang hard to ignore the mind demons. To fight back from the thoughts of “why can’t I get my crap together? Why is my house such a mess, and my kids are noisy and out-of-control, and I haven’t gotten a handle on simply daily to-do’s, why’s the matter with me??”
Honey, just stop.
You’re beautiful and incredible and if you started to believe in your soul how awesome and capable and radiant you really are- well look our world! Never underestimate the power of a mama who CHOOSES JOY.
Indulge your skin with this luxuriously-soft experience. You deserve to feel comfortable even when little people are climbing all over you, even when you’re washing the dishes for the 47th time today (seriously, why are there ALWAYS so many?!), even when the kids are crying and the dogs are barking, even when you’re rocking spit-up! You. Deserve. To. Feel. Comfortable.
Work it, mama. Now go eat some chocolate alone. You deserve that too.