“Vaccinate your kids” #WeDid Rest In Peace ...names of those lost... #NotRare
The shirt I didn’t want to make. Not because it’s not desperately needed, but because I knew hearing more of their stories would break my heart. {it did. I have sobbed and prayed over them}.
We cannot ignore what each of these names represent- a life lost too soon, to teach us that we can never again be ignorant to the pain and suffering vaccines are causing. And we cannot be silent either. We MUST speak up so that no more children are added to this list.
Today we remember those lost, and we honor them. Share their names and their stories far and wide. Every 1 matters.
For this design, we are donating double the usual amount of our proceeds- to supporting advocacy and education of vaccine injury.
Love & healing,
names included
Andromeda Grace Whitney
Anistyn James Ragan
Aviana Woods
Bently Stratton
Brooks State
Christopher Bunch
Christopher Kanervisto
Colton Berrett
Corbyn Cordingley
Cyrus Holloman
Darcy Barker
Emery Star Owens
Evee Clobes
Haleigh Golden
Jack Jefferson
Jacob Chason
Jaxon Labrec
Jhanella Chikkara Abello
Joel Stone
Johnathan Wurz
Jonah Riley
Kai Hapner
Katrina Wells
Keelan Spencer
Liam Robert Briggs
Lilah Jean Burcham
Mason Bundy
Matthew Devin Gosnell
Milan Miranda-Osorio
Nicholas Catone
Remy Starkey
Sarah Jane Guzior
Thomas Stephen Fic
Willow Barrios
Willow Lara Zielinski
Zara Antoinette Shiel
Zane Murphy