purple promise shop
Design 1 - Vitamin C not vaccines {with anchor}
Regular price
Choose color and size. You’re bound to love it!
Soft and comfy uni-sex tees. Run slightly bigger on women.
***If we don’t have the Size, shirt Color, or Font color you want, listed on our site, please message me, or email your request to - Support@PurplePromiseShop.com
I personally review EVERY shirt order, before they get printed.
Just write ‘shirt order request’ in the subject line, and say something in the email like:
“I’d love the ‘#blessed’ shirt size Medium, Navy blue shirt, with gray font.
And the ‘I’m doing the best I can’ shirt in size XS, black shirt with white font (for my 10 year old son with special needs).”
I’ll email you back, and make sure we get the ones you want done correctly! :0)